Wednesday, September 23, 2009

can honey cure?

Lately sciencist in the Uk have been studying the antibacterial tendentices. it would seem that a type of honey bees make in new zeland when they pollinate a certain type of bush. this honey can be used on burns and cuts to draw out the infection, as well as internal problems. the honey is also affective against baceria imunned to antibioitics. this has been used by aboriginal people for centuries before we realized the medical potental of manuka honey. who knows maybe this could be the start of other medical brake throughs for dieases that plague life with fear. if honey can pontental cure things like burns, diabetic foot ulcers, gastro- intestinal disorders (acid reflex, heartburn, and others.). This special honey from the manuka flower has been studied for about 20 years. i'm still skepical as to how well it works but if it is proven to do what they say its a step in the right direction for medical advances.

1 comment:

  1. Melissa: This is a start and an interesting idea. I'd like to see the links to where you got the information, too.
